That world appeared to be one of untameable pliability -something that, to my frsutration, I don't have; one of persistent endurance - something that might be favourable; one of gracefull elegancy - something that pops up once in a while, obviously not when this picture was taken; one of perfect muscle control. Shortly, a very fascinating, challanging world of which I never tought I would like it that much!
Sharon is a wonderfull, enthousiastic, pleasant, funny and inspirational person and dancer (who has some really nice tattoos). I enjoyed watching her move and move me. I hope to see her perform one day, as yesterday's show was cancelled due to hooligan riots in Anderlecht.
Great pics of the belly-dancers Ruth - I like it. I did some belly-dancing many years years ago, the first time I went to Turkey, with a wonderful belly dancer in a nightclub. She stripped me down to my underpants (fortunately I was wearing Calvin Kleins, even in 1992). It was one of the most erotic moments of my life..!